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Angle Financial Services

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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: September 1st, 2023

Angle Financial Services offers multifaceted personal and business financial credit repair solutions to nationwide consumers. The company, founded in 2010, is a registered credit repair agency and licensed independent insurance agency in Dover, Delaware. Angel Financial Services strives to provide the best services for each client by creating plans based on individual situations and helping each client the whole way through until they have reached their credit goal.

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The Good

  • Multifaceted Credit Repair Services 
  • Monthly Contracts

With Angle Financial Services, clients can expect to receive a full range of credit restoration services. Each client that enrolls in Angle Financial Services program can expect to receive a customized plan of attack when it comes to the disputing process. Benefits of the service include:

Multifaceted Credit Repair Services

The multifaceted approach used by Angle Financial Services for credit repair includes free consultations, unlimited disputes, online anytime progress monitoring, and extensive credit information. The company also offers do-it-yourself credit repair instructions, identity theft insurance, debt settlement program, and more. The company also provides a wide range of services for businesses to help them address their specific credit needs. Angle Financial Services also offers business, home, and auto insurance for its clientele.

Monthly Contracts 

Unlike some of its competitors, Angle Financial Services offers customers month-to-month contracts. The minimum monthly cost that customers pay is $99.


The Bad

  • No Pricing Information 
  • Complicated Money-Back Guarantee 
  • High Upfront Costs

While Angle Financial Services offers a comprehensive service to their clients, there are also limitations that prospective consumers need to be aware of. These limitations include the following items:

Lack of Website Disclosure 

Angle Financial Services does not disclose pricing information for its services to the general public on its corporate website. Consumers need to contact the company directly and speak with a customer service representative in order to get a pricing quote.

Complicated Money-Back Guarantee

The credit repair service offered through Angle Financial Services is designed for a one year period and the refund guarantee, if a client is unsatisfied, can get complicated. If a client desires a refund at the end of 12 months, they must request an audit and the company will total up the deletions on the account. Each deletion is valued at $75. If the total value of deletions is less than the charged monthly fee, the client will be refunded the difference.

High Upfront Costs

The upfront cost the company requires from its consumers is $199. This fee, in comparison to other credit repair companies, is relatively high. 


The Bottom Line

Angle Financial Services takes a multifaceted approach for clients in need of long-term credit repair and offers customers monthly contracts. The company also has numerous positive customer testimonials. Angle Financial Services refund policy is a bit complicated, however, and the company does not disclose its pricing structure for its credit repair services to the general public on its corporate website. Customers are also charged a higher upfront cost. 

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