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AV Hero

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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: April 18th, 2023

AV Hero was founded as a way to eliminate the headaches and frustrations caused by malfunctioning audio visual systems. Many people interact with some form of an audio visual system on a daily basis, whether that is through work or at home. The reality is that these systems experience issues too and when these problems occur, it can be difficult to find someone with the knowledge to fix it.

The technicians that partner with AV Hero are certified and all technicians charge a low flat hourly rate (with minimums). Clients can also rest assured knowing that all AV Hero professionals undergo a background check process and are privy to the “Save the Day” guarantee. 


The Good

  • Convenient Process
  • Business Services
  • Residential Services

Convenient Process

The process of hiring a qualified technician is designed to be straightforward and simple. AV Hero cuts the red tape when it comes to company research and quotes as it pertains to AV work. All clients can expect the following from the AV Hero process:

  • Work Request — Clients will put in a request online for work including some information about the project and completing registration.
  • AV Hero Connects — All AV Hero technicians in the area will be notified and the first one to review the job and accept it will work with the client. 
  • Project Completion — The AV Hero technician will come directly to the desired location and complete the project for a flat hourly fee.
  • Guarantee — After the work is completed, clients will be given the option to approve the project completion before being charged. If the project is not fixed to the satisfaction of the client, the client does not pay. 

Business Services

For commercial clients, AV Hero will conduct a wide range of troubleshooting, setup, and support for a number of system types. AV system types covered by AV Hero for businesses include the following:

  • Presentation Systems
  • Digital Signage
  • Live Streaming Solutions
  • Video COnferencing
  • Distance Learning
  • Collaboration Systems
  • Control Systems
  • Background Music/Masking

While these are specialities of AV Hero professionals, there may be additional help for businesses in need. 

Residential Services

While many think of offices when they think of AV systems, residential AV projects exist and there are troubleshooting and setup needs for these types of clients as well. AV Hero will provide the following residential services covering troubleshooting, setup, and even support:

  • Home Office
  • Home Theater
  • Outdoor Sound and Video
  • Controllers
  • Wireless Sound
  • Web Conferencing
  • Streaming Solutions
  • Podcasting

Residential clients in need of the following services can contact AV Hero and get the assistance of a qualified technician. 


The Bad

  • AV Hero Program
  • Payment Structure
  • Practicality 

AV Hero Program

The AV Hero platform is structured in a way where technicians with AV knowledge experience apply to be a professional. Once approved, AV Hero is supposed to assign work to available technicians in the area.

Prior to obtaining a steady clientele, AV Hero worked to garner as many technicians as it possibly could without having the work needed to keep those professionals happy. So while in theory the AV Hero program can allow for rapid expansion, it does not equate to rapid work or project needs. 

Payment Structure

For technical work like the projects AV Hero takes on, the payment structure is an interesting one. Clients are expected to pay a $75 per hour rate to AV Hero professionals, with a minimum of one hour for dispatch being charged.

Of this flat rate, AV Hero will take one third of all earnings, regardless of what the project entails. Some projects that require minimal AV knowledge are simply time consuming but cost the same as a more difficult or complex issue. This has been a pain point for both clients and technicians alike. 


It is still unclear whether or not the service AV Hero provides is really necessary or viable in today’s market. The company appears to want to be somewhat of a “Geek Squad” for AV related issues, but it is still unknown whether or not the model is viable.

It is difficult to determine since the business was launched just before the shutdowns occurred relating to the pandemic. Many technicians have claimed that the platform simply is not recognized enough to sustain work. This is a unique niche company, but the practicality is still to be determined. 


The Bottom Line

AV Hero provides comprehensive and on-demand audio visual project work all across the country. The process from start to finish is straightforward and convenient and is handled entirely through the AV Hero online platform. AV Hero has specific services offered to commercial clients that utilize AV systems as part of its daily operation. For residential clients, a slew of AV related services can be provided by AV Hero technicians. 

While AV Hero may be the answer for many AV-related issues, there are limitations and concerns to be aware of as well. The AV Hero Program is new and many technicians claim that once approved by the company, no work has been made available. The payment structure strips professionals of one third of all hourly rates, despite only hosting the projects. It is difficult to determine since the business was launched just before a global pandemic hit, but the practicality has yet to be seen of AV repair needs.

For clients in need of AV work and are not willing to conduct research or compare prices for these types of services, AV Hero may be the best bet. While AV Hero claims to offer services across the country, availability varies depending on specific job sites.

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