Just weeks after Netflix began streaming videos online back in 2007, Mubi did too. Mubi founder Efe Cakarel didn't plan to compete head-on with the already-famous Netflix. If you think of the streaming TV and movie industry is a Blockbuster store, (I mean a store made of brick, with a tall lighted sign out front, if you can recall those) then Mubi is the "staff picks" section, says Cakarel. It's a "trusted advisor."
Mubi's staff of film experts hand-picks a selection of the world's best films. The selection changes each month. You'll see that 30 films are available and you'll probably find out that you have to pay about $10.99 per month to stream. Most of these films are not well known or "mainstream." You'll probably decide it's not worth it. But if you're perhaps one in 400, you'll pay. These kind of films are your niche.
But don't let me discourage you if it's not your niche. Mubi will begin streaming something really special in a couple of days. It's something millions will be interested in. Something that could change Mubi forever, and maybe even change the streaming movie landscape.
It's called "Junun," which means "mania" or "the madness of love" in several Middle Eastern and Asian languages. Junun was directed by "Boogie Nights" and "There Will Be Blood" director, Paul Thomas Anderson. It stars Radiohead guitarist Jonny Greenwood, Israeli musician and composer Shye Ben Tzur, music producer Nigel Godrich, and musicans from across West Asia. Is that star power not enough to justify the $5? Well, there is something else that makes this film interesting. It was filmed at Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur. The idea was to simply get together and make awesome music in an amazing place while being filmed by a great director. It's for a niche, probably, but part of that niche is Radiohead fans.
"The results deliver the close camaraderie of artistic collaboration and a sonic, visual and sensory experience that will capture your imagination," says Mubi. You'd still rather watch something a little more....ordinary? That's OK, check out these streaming movie services.
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