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Better Prep Success

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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: October 21st, 2020

Better Prep Success is the brainchild of Jason Franklin, a high school teacher and coach who developed an ACT prep course while also helping student athletes qualify for scholarships. Better Prep Success leverages Franklin’s 20 years of experience teaching ACT prep courses and has raised ACT scores by an average of four points for over 10,000 students. In addition to helping students improve their ACT scores, Franklin has also received several teaching awards, such as the National Honor Roll for Outstanding American Teachers.

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The Good

  • Resources and Seminars
  • Pricing
  • In-Person and Online Courses

Resources and Seminars

Better Prep Success’ website provides many free resources to college-bound students: videos, articles, and blog entries to name a few. They also offer a college-bound seminar for under $100.


Better Prep Success offers lower prices than may competitors. Their online course goes for $199—significantly lower than the industry average. Customers attending in-person classes may also sign up for specific subject areas: $475 for all subjects, or between $110 and $140 for individual subjects. If students struggle with only one subject area, this is extremely advantageous.

In-Person and Online Courses

Many of Better Prep Success’ competitors only offer online courses; meanwhile, Better Prep Success offers in-person classes to all students living in Illinois. Illinois-based students seeking a more interactive experience may benefit from these courses. 


The Bad

  • Only ACT Prep Classes
  • Limited Availability of In-Person Classes

Only ACT Prep Classes

Better Prep Success only offers courses in ACT preparation. Though all four-year universities accept the ACT, some students may prefer to study for the SAT as well. These tests are similar, however there are differences, for example the SAT does not have a science section. Students looking for SAT or other test prep courses will have to seek out other companies.

Limited Availability of In-Person Classes

In-person classes are only taught live in central Illinois. Customers who live outside of this area are limited to the online course. 


The Bottom Line

Customers in the Illinois area may benefit from attending Better Prep Success’ in-person courses. We recommend customers seeking an online test prep for the ACT research other options. Other companies offer lower prices with score improvement guarantees. Furthermore, students interested in taking the SAT or any other test will need to seek other options. 

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