Author: Kaitlyn Short
Last.fm is a music recommendation service founded in the United Kingdom in 2002. Its recommendation system, called the “Audioscrobbler,” works by compiling a user’s musical tastes across all audio platforms—like Internet radio stations and portable music devices—to create a detailed musical profile. Transferring this information to the Last.fm database and the user’s profile is known as “scrobbling.” Scrobbling is used to create reference pages, calculate the user’s musical interests, and suggest music. In May of 2007, CBS Interactive UK acquired Last.fm for 140 million pounds, or 280 million dollars. Within two years of the acquisition, Last.fm claimed 30 million active users. As of April 2011, Last.fm claimed to have scrobbled users’ music data over 50 million times.
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alyssa Pleasant Grove, UT
6 years ago
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