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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: March 11th, 2020

Budget Express is a specialized software meant for keeping track of personal and family finances. Budget Express allows users to control their finances and keep track of upcoming expenses and operations. 

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The Good

  • Free Trial
  • Features
  • Pricing
  • Available for Windows and Mac

Free Trial

The Budget Express downloadable software is an easy install, just requiring an email address and a name. 

The 14-day free trial does not require any credit card information. After getting a feel for the program for two weeks, Budget Express will email customers a code to purchase the software, allowing them to save the data they started working on with the trial.


Budget Express offers customers several different and helpful features, such as the Budget Creation Wizard, a monthly calendar, data analysis, and bank accounts/credit cards, operations statement import. Consumers can also manage their loans and investments with Budget Express.

The Budget Creation Wizard helps consumers set up their personal budget in less than 20 minutes. Users can choose between hundreds of income and expense categories. 

The monthly calendar is helpful as it allows customers to easily view and keep track of their expenses and up-coming purchases and payments.

 The data analysis tool allows users to run a summary or a detailed analysis of their bank accounts, credit cards, investment operations, and more. 


Users can choose between a monthly plan ($2.99 per month) or an annual plan ($29.99 per year). However, keep in mind that Budget Express’s pricing is in Canadian dollars, meaning U.S. residents will pay roughly around $2.19 per month for the monthly plan and $21.95 for the annual plan. This is relatively inexpensive when compared to other downloadable programs. 

Consumers can also purchase Budget Express on CD if they’d like. The CD costs $29.99 (Canadian dollars) + shipping costs. 

Available for Windows and Mac

Budget Express is currently available for Windows and Mac. The software has been tested on Windows 7,8, and 10 and Budget Express recommends that users have an I3 processor core. It is also available on Microsoft Surface Pro (9). Budget Express works for OS versions V 10.8 and over, including the latest OS, Mojave.


The Bad

  • Not Available for Linux
  • No App or Tablet Version
  • Business Edition

Not Available for Linux

While Budget Express works with Windows and Mac computers, it does not work with the Linux operating system. Additionally, the company does not plan to offer Budget Express for Linux as there isn’t a large enough demand.

No App or Tablet Version

According to the company website, both the tablet and mobile versions are in development. However, the company does not disclose how long customers will need to wait. 

Business Edition

The current version of Budget Express is intended for personal and family budgets. However, the company claims that its software will work in a small business setting. 

Budget Express stated that it was making a small business edition of the software and claimed that it would be available in 2018-2019. It is now 2020, and no business edition exists.


The Bottom Line

While Budget Express is equipped with basic budgeting tools, we believe other personal finance programs provide more useful tools to the consumer to integrate budgeting into their lives at home and on the go. Those that use Budget Express can expect the following from the platform:

  • Free trial available
  • Quick and easy budgeting tools
  • Cost associated with complete download
  • No online assistance
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Kenneth Kinonen Chehalis, WA

I was unable to down load a purchased copy . Trying to get a hold of support was not available and the pone came to someone speaking Japanese

7 years ago