Overall Score
Author: Kaitlyn Short
FindLaw is a free legal information website that helps consumers, small business owners, students, and legal professionals find legal documents and answers to everyday legal questions. FindLaw services 51 states. The site includes case law, state and federal statutes, a lawyer directory, and legal news and analysis. FindLaw also provides online marketing services for law firms. FindLaw was founded in 1995 and is part of Thomson Reuters, a multinational information and mass media firm.
FindLaw.com offers information and legal documents for both business and personal needs. This includes the following categories: landlord-tenant, wills and estates, real estate, family law, business formation, debt and finances, going to court, and more. Access to all the information and documents housed on FindLaw is free.
FindLaw also has a section of Spanish-language documents called Formularios en Espanol. This is a distinct benefit of FindLaw, as it is the only online legal service we reviewed that has a separate section just for Spanish speakers.
FindLaw.com features an attorney directory that allows you to search for lawyers by city, state, county, or legal issue. Once you've specified your legal needs, the search results provide you with a link to the law firm's website so you can contact them directly. The attorney directory is also a great resource for attorneys to use to find clients and market themselves.
If you visit the Answers section of the FindLaw site, you'll reach a community forum. You can ask questions, offer support and share ideas with other users, or you can utilize the Ask a Lawyer live chat feature to get basic legal advice. It also has a legal news section that is kept up to date for those that are interested in some of the top legal stories out there as well as a blog.
Other than the Ask a Lawyer feature, you won't be able to get personal counsel from a lawyer through FindLaw. If you'd like detailed advice or the opportunity to receive guidance through your legal process, you'll need to use the Directory to to find and retain a lawyer near you.
The FindLaw website doesn't list any information about the accuracy and quality of the information and documents found on the site, nor did we see any information about how often the site is updated. This means that it may be difficult to determine if the information you see on FindLaw is up-to-date and credible.
FindLaw is strictly a resource for legal information and forms. They will not complete, review, or file forms for you, nor will do they offer any representation or consultation services. If you think you'll need assistance with completing or filing your forms, you may prefer an online legal service like LegalZoom or BizFilings, which offer to take care of the document handling for you.
Since FindLaw doesn't offer any direct legal services, there is no option to call a customer service or support line, nor is there an option to email FindLaw for assistance. If you have any difficulty navigating the site or accessing the documents, you're on your own.
FindLaw's extensive free library of legal information and documents make it useful for you if you just want to learn more about a specific legal process or access a form that you can file yourself. If you prefer to be guided through the process or to work with a lawyer directly, you may want to find and retain a lawyer through FindLaw's directory or opt for an online legal service that gives you access to filing clerks and representatives.
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