Author: Kaitlyn Short
Credit Repair Ease is a credit repair platform designed to help individuals access credit repair services either through its professionally designed program or through other providers where particular specialization may be required. The Credit Repair Ease service will help prospective credit repair clients determine the best service and program for their particular situation and start working towards improved credit scores.
The Credit Repair Ease credit repair program was founded and designed by credit attorneys familiar with creditor laws and rights. The program was designed to help people who need to turn their credit scores around over a series of credit challenges with the major credit bureaus. Depending on the severity of the case and the needs of the individual, the length of the program will vary.
In addition to providing traditional credit repair solutions, Credit Repair Ease also offers a matching program helping clients identify the best credit repair provider for their particular circumstances. Prospective credit repair clients can match with renowned companies like Lexington Law, Credit, or find a local provider. Reviews for these services are also available through Credit Repair Ease.
With Credit Repair Ease, clients can choose between three different pricing and service plans. These plans vary in terms of price and what services are offered at that monthly fee. Credit Repair Ease plans break down as follows:
Premier Plus — $139.95/month
Concord Premier — $119.95/month
Concord Standard — $95.95/month
Some credit repair companies offer a one-size fits all credit repair program. Credit Repair Ease recognizes that there is varying severity when it comes to credit repair cases, and some clients may need additional solutions that others will not. As a result, the company offers three different credit repair plans for clients to choose from. This allows clients to experience a more tailored approach than other services offer.
Credit Repair Ease offers the following solutions to clients looking to improve their credit situation:
Not all credit repair companies offer expanded services to touch multiple facets of financial viability; however, Credit Repair Ease does. Clients in need of more than just credit repair can rest assured that Credit Repair Ease offers a wide range of financially beneficial solutions.
The quality of service at the individual level is a strength of Credit Repair Ease. A common complaint among credit repair customers is the ineffectiveness of a run-of-the-mill credit repair program. Since all credit repair cases are different, a cookie cutter approach to the problem may not be the answer for many clients. As a result, Credit Repair Ease offers the following features as part of its service in an effort to tailor its services to meet all needs:
Those looking for a more catered approach to their financial situation may want to consider Credit Repair Ease.
Some credit repair firms will specialize in a certain type of negative item removal. While Credit Repair Ease does not necessarily have an item removal specialty, the company has devised a program that effectively removes the following negative items when applicable:
Clients in need of having the above listed negative items removed from their credit report may want to consider Credit Repair Ease for credit repair services as the company has devised a platform that has helped countless individuals remove these items.
Credit Repair Ease has provided credit repair services since 2001 when its program was first launched. Then in 2013, the company transitioned to offering a credit matching service where it provides reviews and collects data to determine the best provider for each client.
As a result, Credit Repair Ease has transitioned its platform focus to helping those in need of credit repair identify a provider rather than primarily offer its credit repair services. This varies from what most within the industry offer to clients.
Credit repair, in and of itself, can be completed for very little if done by the individual on their own terms. However, most do not have the understanding or expertise needed to effectively repair their own credit. That is why most people in need of credit repair turn to services like Credit Repair Ease for assistance.
Generally, those in need of credit repair have experienced some financial setbacks or have practiced poor financial practices. Money for some clients may be tight, which is why the monthly costs for Credit Repair Ease services needs to be addressed.
The most basic level service package offered by Credit Repair Ease starts at $95.95 per month. This is more than many comparable services within the credit repair industry charges for monthly services. It is also unclear whether or not any upfront fees are charged as well.
Credit Repair Ease provides comprehensive credit repair solutions and identification services to those trying to find the perfect fit for their credit repair needs. There are a number of credit repair plans clients can choose from when working with Credit Repair Ease allowing flexibility needed by many customers.
A number of credit services are available through Credit Repair Ease, including but not limited to credit reporting, credit monitoring, and even increased credit limits. Each client that goes through Credit Repair Ease for credit repair services will receive individualized attention with customized solutions to ensure best possible results in a timely fashion. Through Credit Repair Ease, clients can have items like collections, late payments, and even bankruptcies removed in certain cases.
There are a number of reasons to consider Credit Repair Ease for its wide range of services, but there are drawbacks to the platform prospective users should be aware of as well. Since 2013, the company has made a transition to credit repair matching instead of putting an emphasis strictly on its credit repair services.
Instead of working to help people improve credit scores, Credit Repair Ease helps clients find the best company to provide those desired services. The monthly costs for Credit Repair Ease credit repair services are also higher than the industry average, with monthly costs starting at nearly $100 per month.
Depending on the specific needs of each client, Credit Repair Ease may be a viable option especially for those still trying to determine what services they want to help them on their financial journey.
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