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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: March 13th, 2023

Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) was founded in 1935. Today, the company is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative that has over 925,000 members.

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The Good

  • Extremely Low APRs
  • Automatically Earn a Better Rate
  • Terms Up To 84 months

Extremely Low APRs

BECU offers rates as low as 2.09 percent for vehicles that are year models 2015 or newer and rates as low as 2.69 percent for vehicles that are year models 2014 or older. Additionally, you will recevie the same low rate regardless of if you apply for an auto loans yourself or through a participating dealership.

Automatically Earn A Better Rate

Periodically, BECU will evaluate your credit rating while you have an existing auto loan with the company. If you've significantly improved your credit score and your loan is in good standing, you could earn a better interest rate. BECU will automatically update your account to your new lower APR and notify you of the change.

BECU Members Auto Buying Program

BECU has partnered with AutoPREMIER Auto Buying Program to provide its members a service that connects them with a personal buying concierge that locates vehicles, researches vehicle history, connects members with dealers, and negotiates prices. This service is available for both new and used vehicles.

Terms Up to 84 Months

If you need lower monthly payments, BECU offers auto loan terms up to 84 months. However, the company has not disclosed whether you are required to have a certain credit score to obtain a longer loan term.


The Bad

  • Bad Credit Loans
  • Fees and Penalties Not Disclosed
  • Minimal Refinancing Information Available

Bad Credit Loans

It is unclear whether or not BECU accepts consumers with bad credit. The company's website doesn't specify credit score minimums, which makes it difficult for potential customers to have an idea of whether or not its worth their time to apply with BECU.

Fees and Penalties Not Disclosed

BECU has not disclosed whether or not it charges any type of application fees or prepayment penalties.

Minimal Refinancing Information Available

Fortunately, BECU does offer refinancing option and states on its website that this can save you money if you qualify, even if your loan is with another bank. However, there is no other information about refinancing available on the website. Therefore, if this is something you're interested in, you will have to contact BECU to find out what you need to do to refinance your auto loan.


The Bottom Line

Boeing Employees Credit Union offers low APRs and may lower APRs even further if your credit score has improved since taking out a loan. Additionally, BECU offers loan terms up to 84 months and provides its members with a buying program to help them find and negotiate deals on vehicles. However, BECU has not disclosed whether or not it accepts bad credit or charges application fees and prepayment penalties. Further, the refinancing information provided on the company's website is limited.

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Mr mr Mr

I applied for a car loan over the phone. The representative I spoke with told me I was approved for a no money down auto loan. I searched the internet for a Toyota I saw a car listed with Toyota of Renton dealership. The sales person was friendly and showed me the car. I signed documents and then I was introduced to the financial agent.. this is when a purchase turned to a mistake. After the talking and paperwork I was told I needed to put 1,200 down. I need a car so reluctantly I agreed. I will not accept another loan from BECU in the future.

2 years ago